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Colon cancer, Epidemiology, Etiopathogenesis

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Colorectal cancer represents a public health problem, considering that in most European countries it is the first on the list of neoplasms. Even if the bronchopulmonary neoplasm is prevalent in men and the genital tumors in women, totalizing their prevalence on both sexes makes the colorectal cancer the first cause of malignancy in many states.

In France the incidence of colorectal cancer is 15% of all cancers, in Romania it is the first among the digestive cancers. Its frequency varies with the geographic area being very frequent in Europe and USA but less frequent in South America and Africa. These geographic differences are firstly related to the alimentary habits and in a certain measure to genetic factors.

The special problem in this cancer is that it is somewhat forewarned, since at this moment the filiations is clearly established (adenoma carcinoma), thus the endoscopic finding an will prevent the apparition. The role of genetic factor (Lynch syndrome) in the apparition of colon neoplasm is also known.


More factors are involved in the producing of colon neoplasm:
  • the role of alimentary factors
  • the role (controversial) of billioary acids
  • the role of predisposing causes

a) Alimentary factors are involved in the etiopathogenesis of this neoplasia (based on epidemiologic studies), the vegetables, fibers diet, calcium and vitamins are considered as a protective diet. Negative alimentary factors are the considered as a protective diet. Negative alimentary factors are the excess of animal fats and proteins, red meat, alcohol and excessive caloric intake.

b) The role of billioary acids in the etiopathogenesis remains controversial, but there are experimental studies showing their involvement. Some epidemiologic and clinical studies have shown a relationship between cholecystectomy and the increasing of frequency of the colon neoplasm.

c) The predisposing causes for the colon neoplasm are:
  • colocrectal polyps
  • familial colic polyposis
  • inflammatory bowel disease
  • familial predisposition
  • Lynch syndrome

Colon Cancer Treatment

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