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Crohn’s disease diagnosis

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The diagnosis is mainly based on endoscopy and biopsy. Aphthout lesions are found with deep linear ulcers, cobbled streets of the relief of inflammation of the lining of the areas of stenosis. These lesions can be inserted into the terminal ileon, colon, but also in the esophagus or the duodenum. Biopsy is mandatory to reveal transmural inflammation and granulomatous appearance. The presence of deep ulcers, fibrosis and cracks is the norm.

X-ray examination is useful when the endoscopy is not accessible barium enema with ileal reflux or enteroclysis (barium administration by duodenal probe) may be used to demonstrate the lesions of terminal ileon or even barium examination, followed-up at 1, 2, 3 and 4 hours. The pathologic aspect:”cobblestone relief” in the terminal ileon, presence of some areas with stenosis with enlargements above, and fistulas.

Abdominal ultrasound disclosed thickening of the intestinal wall to assess the extent of the affected area. All of stenosis and dilation can be assessed as well as the presence of some of the possible complications such as perforation, fistula.

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