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Cholelithiasis diagnosis

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The clinical diagnosis can be shown when billiary colic or dyspepsia suggests that very often involvementbut billiary gallstones is totally or partially symptoms.

Ultrasonographical paraclinical diagnosis: gallstones appear in a photo hyperreflectogenic and launch the "acoustic shadow".

Symptomatic cholelithiasis, which arises billiary colic (colic billiary is hard or violent pain is part of epigastrum or right upper quadrant of the abdomen, sometimes radiating subscapularis usually continue for more than half an hour). Nausea or vomiting, which appear without colic, which do not cause colic billiary.

The differential diagnosis
  • renal colic
  • chronic pancreatitis pain
  • gallbladder polyp
  • gallbladder neoplasm
  • billiary sludge
  • ulcerous pain

Gallstones, Choleliathesis, Diagnosis to treatment VIDEO

Read more about: Cholelithiasis treatment

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